
Showing posts from December, 2023

I don't know, it's a mystery!

 Hey!       I haven't decided what I'm going to use this blog for yet.😼  I think that it's good to write daily, even if you don't have a  certain topic in mind.  Just to write is good if you're a writer, poet, etc. that is.  I've written loads of poems that I've always intended to turn into a book but have no local support to do so.  I have loads of international emotional support but nothing else. You seriously can't be a graduate of B-School and NOT have international support. That just isn't possible.  I do know that books of all kinds do not get made on their own though. Galleries, small buisnesses, etc. do not get known as such on their own and it usually takes money. Money is made by almost everyone on this earth daily.I don't believe that money is bad. It's how that money is used that matters. People need a job to pay for rent, food, etc. in order to live. None of those things are bad. I don't understand using it for other things...


  Hey you guys!      I decided to make a post today and just share some of the things that are on my mind.       I'll be sharing more on my main blog at        I hope that you visit and leave a comment as well.       Although, I don't create for comments alone. I love art so would create nomatter what. I DO love to share though. I'm just a bit thrown by all of the technology today, along with the legal issues that may present themselves. Just knowing that they are out there and that more people are likely to use things against me seems like a threat in a way.       Still, I never was one to let anything like that stop me. Someone recently commented on a a video about Julian Lennon. I've been obssessed with the guy but oddly enough NOT in the way some rather fanatic fans seem to be.       Julian Lennon's life and really nobodys l...